Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. Where is the show field?

A. From Moffat High Street follow the A708 signposted to Selkirk, at traffic lights turn right for “Green Frog” and field is on the right.
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Q. When does the Show open to the public and how much is entry?

A. The field is accessible to the public on the Saturday at no charge, on the Sunday the field is open to the public from 0830hrs. with a charge of £5.00 per person payable at the gate.


Q. Can I enter my commercial lorry or tractor in the show?

A. Unfortunately, due to space and access restrictions we are unable to accept entries for lorries/tractors.


Q. Can I enter my motorcycle & sidecar?

A. Yes, enter under motorcycles.


Q. Will I receive notification of my entry being accepted?

A. If your entry is unacceptable, we will contact you within 2 weeks of receipt to notify you. The entry numbers and final details will be despatched by post 3 weeks before the event.


Q. Can I pay my entry using PayPal?

A. Entry payments can only be made by Cheque, Postal Order or Bank Transfer.
